Billboard Advertising Mistakes and No-Nos

Conveying a marketing message to potential audiences inside a car driving by at 55 miles an hour may seem impossible. It’s always possible, however, especially if you only have the wits and the ways to get it done. If you’re investing in billboards, you know how pricey it can get. You will have to take some measures to ensure you’ll get the most out of this effort. Yet, many businesspeople seem to be wasting money by putting up billboards that fail to capture the attention of their target market. Below are some of the biggest blunders in billboard advertising that we see down the road on a regular basis.

Adopting Magazine or Newspaper Ads for Billboards

In case you think that converting magazine or newspaper ads into a billboard will save you a lot of money, think again. Certain elements, like the colours and the copy, that you use in these print media may not work for audiences on the move. Instead, come up with an independent concept and hire a billboard artist or designer to execute it.

Not Using the Colour Wheel

Colour is everything in billboard advertising. Many advertisers and designers make the mistake of blending heavy-coloured fonts with darker backgrounds. Although this works on magazines and newspapers, the message set in this colour scheme is difficult to see, especially if you’re looking at it from a distance. Similarly, limit the use of colours that are too light, like yellow, white, and sky blue. These shades tend to was out in the brightness of day or glow of the spotlights.

Using Highly Stylised Fonts

The advertising message should be easy to read. With this, you should resort to thick and clean fonts. Gotham, Helvetica, and Futura are examples of fonts you can use for your outdoor advertisement.  You can consult your graphic designer regarding this.

Using Long Copies

Given the price of billboards, many advertisers who want to make the most of a billboard commits the mistake of filling the space with lengthy marketing messages. Remember, majority of your target audiences are driving. The last thing you want is for them to get into a fender bender because they were distracted by the message on your billboard.

Billboards are a fairly pricy marketing strategy that can bring back great returns. With this, you need to be careful with your marketing and design plan to avoid costly mistakes. Most especially, you have work with a reliable partner. Browse our website to see our wide range of advertising solutions, and contact us today to get started on your next campaign.